After an extended beta testing phase, Indian telecom giant Reliance Jio launched JioMeet, a Zoom rival that can host up to 100 people and have video calls as long as 24 hours.Â
The HD Video Conferencing app which is available on all major platforms including web browsers will now compete for market share with Zoom, Google Meet and Microsoft Teams.
Early users suggest that the Indian solution for Zoom replicates the later with like to like features with several enhancements. The interface of both applications are hard to differentiate. While Zoom has put several limitations on the usage of its app, JioMeet has avoided any such efforts.
Users can sign-in to the app with their email id or phone number. Meetings can be attended with just meeting ids or invitation links just like Zoom. Where Zoom limits the number of users for extended periods (3-4 for 40 mins), Zoom allows calls that can be as long as 24 hours without any limitations on the number of attendees. Jio has also ensured that all the meetings are password protected directly targeting Zoom’s security and privacy vulnerabilities it displayed during its meteoric rise at the advent of coronavirus induced lockdowns.
JioMeet also boasts of “Enterprise Host Controls’ which allows to user to have password-protected meetings, multi-device logins, screen sharing, a meeting waiting room, meeting scheduling and several other features.