Abu Dhabi Airports & Etihad Airport Services extend ground handling partnership

By Arya M Nair, Official Reporter
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EAS_Abu Dhabi Airports partnership
Rep.Image | Courtesy: WAM

Abu Dhabi Airports, the leading airport operator in the emirate, and Etihad Airport Services have signed a contract to extend their long-standing partnership.

Under the partnership, both companies will provide ground services for passengers at Zayed International Airport to further enhance the passenger experience by offering seamless services.

This announcement coincides with Abu Dhabi Airport’s recent passenger traffic results, which witnessed a significant growth of 35.6 percent, demonstrating the strong demand for travel.

Both entities will collaborate on various initiatives to improve operational efficiencies, safety, and the quality of ground handling services, ultimately providing a world-class experience for travelers passing through Zayed International Airport.

Elena Sorlini, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer at Abu Dhabi Airports, emphasized confidence in Etihad Airport Services as the ideal partner for managing ground handling operations amid expansion.

Jubran Albreiki, General Manager of Etihad Airport Services, emphasized the agreement’s significance in enhancing the passenger experience at Zayed International Airport and ensuring a seamless journey for customers.

Etihad Airport Services, a fully owned subsidiary of ADQ, will provide a comprehensive range of ground handling services, including baggage handling, cargo services, and aircraft servicing.

In March this year, Abu Dhabi Airports received the prestigious “Airport Operator of the Year” award at the highly anticipated Aviation Achievement Awards 2024.

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