Presight enters into strategic collaboration with Intel

By Shilpa Annie Joseph, Official Reporter
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Intel-Presight Collaboration
Officials during the signing ceremony | WAM

Presight, an Abu Dhabi-based artificial intelligence (AI) firm, has entered into a strategic collaboration with Intel, a cloud computing, data center, AI, and PC solutions company, aimed at accelerating applied AI projects and developing cutting-edge AI solutions in the Middle East.

Intel and Presight will together lead the development of AI products, including Smart Cities through innovative R&D initiatives, signifying a commitment to advancing AI research and development in the region.

Additionally, the move focuses on leveraging open-source tools and industry standards to optimize AI software for efficient AI workloads.

Thomas Pramotedham, CEO of Presight, said that, “Together, we combine Intel’s leading technology capabilities with our deep insights in big data and AI, aiming to drive significant advancements. This collaboration goes beyond technical achievements; it’s about creating real value and lasting impact on our stakeholders and society.”

The MoU will include both entities engaging in mutual collaboration and innovation, knowledge-sharing through technical workshops, and developing technology roadmaps to empower and upskill developers in optimized AI application development. This will help create cutting-edge AI solutions that address the region’s unique challenges and opportunities.

The MoU will focus on strengthening AI data security and privacy by implementing confidential AI technologies, including safeguarding sensitive data used in AI models during the AI lifecycle, from data training to inference stages.

Leveraging Intel trust authority technologies, the platforms running AI models will be verified for trustworthiness, ensuring data security and integrity throughout the AI ecosystem.

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