Stc Bahrain & inspireU from stc unite to launch ‘inspireU general program’

By Shilpa Annie Joseph, Official Reporter
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Stc Bahrain-inspireU from stc Partnership
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stc Bahrain, a world-class digital enabler, has collaborated with inspireU from stc to bring the successful and long-running inspireU accelerator general program to Bahrain.

This program led by the stc Group, offers local startups and entrepreneurs a unique opportunity to be part of a transformative program designed to support and empower the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Kingdom.

The inspireU accelerator, focused on ICT and digital innovation, aims to catalyze economic growth, innovation, and job creation. Through this collaboration, stc Bahrain continues to take forward its commitment to contributing to Bahrain’s Vision 2030 and supporting startups, thereby accelerating economic and digital transformation.

Commenting on the launch, Khalid Al Osaimi, stc Bahrain’s Chief Executive Officer said that, “We are excited to collaborate with inspireU from stc to extend the program to Bahrain, which is part of stc Bahrain’s sustainability commitment to support local SMEs by providing a conducive environment for growth.”

“We believe this program will set a new benchmark for Bahrain’s startup ecosystem, contributing to the growth of the digital economy, creating job opportunities, and supporting local content by transforming entrepreneurial ideas into successful startups,” Al Osaimi added.

According to the statement, inspireU’s general program is dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship, enabling innovation, and empowering innovators in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Bahrain. It offers financial support, logistical and consulting services, and an intensive training program supervised by leading experts and consultants from Silicon Valley. The program covers a wide range of fields and includes workshops and meetings with numerous entrepreneurs and mentors.

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