How many eggs are too many eggs? Nutritionists reveal the answer

By Rahul Vaimal, Associate Editor
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Eggs Image
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Eggs are power-packed with vital nutrients. It is also well-known that when trying to lose weight, eggs should be your best friend as they are loaded with protein and are also filling, keeping you full for longer.

Consuming eggs for breakfast often keeps you full till lunch. A medium-sized hard-boiled egg is also low in calories. Many also choose it as an evening snack or include it to their post-workout meal.

But consuming too many eggs in a day can be harmful to your health. So, how many eggs should you eat in a day and what are the effects if you consume them in excess? Read on to know what the nutritionists have to say.

Egg overload

Nutritionists describe egg as a wonder food. It is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. Eggs should be part of a well-balanced diet. One egg has around 200 mg of cholesterol, but research states that intake of dietary cholesterol does not have a direct impact on blood cholesterol.

Eggs also contain additional nutrients (MUFA and omega-3 fatty acids) that may help lower the risk of heart disease. Adding eggs to your diet will also provide you protein, choline, vitamin A and D and biotin, they said.

Eggs Image“People, who are trying to consume a healthy diet, should keep the intake of eggs moderate to about 1-2 daily. This will not leave any side effect on the body,” experts recommend.

Possible negative impacts

Eating too many will have its negative impact too, firstly eggs are high on protein, so eating too many will put a load on kidneys. Many studies have been able to establish a link between excess consumption of egg and heart diseases especially in those individuals with diabetes. Also, eggs are non-vegetarian, hence devoid of fibers.

So, instead of focusing on just eggs for all your protein requirements, it is best to have a balanced diet consisting of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian items.