Stress, other factors that cause acidity and how to avoid them

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By Sayujya S, Desk Reporter
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Acidity is a common digestive issue. It is an uncomfortable condition that can cause burning sensation, burping, hoarseness, bad breath, pain in stomach and much more.

Poor eating habits like overeating, unhealthy food choices, skipping meals are some possible causes of acidity. Your lifestyle also plays a role. Level of physical activity, sleep schedule, stress and smoking may also affect the possibility of suffering from acidity.

Making simple changes in diet and lifestyle can help you keep acidity and several other digestive issues at bay. Here are some effective tips you must try:

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1. Stress

Stress is more harmful than you can imagine. Many leave stress untreated which triggers the risk of several health conditions. It can deteriorate your mental as well physical health. It can make you consume more calories than required and lead to weight gain too. You might be surprised to know that stress can lead to acidity. Studies have also highlighted the link between stress and increased changes of acidity.

2. Do not skip meals

Avoid skipping meals to prevent acidity. When you are hungry for too long, the gastric juices may irritate and stomach lining. Later eating more food to beat hunger can also lead to acidity.

3. Don’t overstuff yourselves

Avoid overstuffing yourselves with food. Consuming more calories can make you feel uneasy and lead to acidity. You can start by eating 5 spoons less than you usually do. It will help you feel light and comfortable after finishing a meal.

4. Leave a good gap between your dinner and bedtime

There should be an ideal gap between bed time and dinner. Many consume the last meal of the day close to bedtime and complain of acidity. Even a half an hour gap is not enough. If you lie down as soon as you finish your meal, it can trigger the backflow of stomach acidic content to the food pipe leading to acidity. You may also experience uneasiness in your throat in the morning. So, maintain a 2-3 hours gap between dinner and sleep time.

5. Sleep well

A good night’s sleep also plays a role in controlling acidity. As fatigue and stress may trigger this condition, give your body enough time to rest and recover.

6. Stay physically active

Adequate physical activity can also keep your digestion healthy and help you prevent acidity.

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